New Clients

Please Contact Chris

Phone: 416 577-8215

I endeaver to return all calls and email within 24 hours. If you have a counseling emergency and I can not be reached, or if you need help in an emergency or are in crisis please use the following services:

  • Visit your local emergency department or call 911
  • Contact a nurse at Telehealth Ontario by dialing 1-866-797-0000
  • Toronto Distress Centres (416) 408-4357 or 408-HELP
  • Gerstein Centre (Mental Health Crisis assistance) 416-929-5200, 24 hrs/7 days
  • Assaulted Women’s Helpline 416-863-0511, 24 hrs/7 days: 1-866-863-0511

257 Eglinton West. Suite 211
Toronto, ON
(By appointment only Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoons)